пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Bcfg2 is therefore built to help administrators construct an accurate, comprehensive specification. This configuration is literal, so no client-side processing of the configuration is required. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Bcfg2 server takes information from two sources when generating client configuration specifications. Use dmy dates from February Pages using Infobox software with unknown parameters. bcfg2

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The client can optionally remove any additional configuration. It is based on an operational model in which the specification can be used to validate and optionally change the bcfb2 of clients, but in a feature unique to Bcfg2 the client's response to the specification can also be used to assess the completeness of the specification.

Package: bcfg2 (1.4.0~pre2+git141-g6d40dace6358-1)

This is primarily a bugfix release, including a fix for a major security hole in the Trigger plugin which could allow an attacker who had gained root access to a Bcfg2 client to gain access to your Bcfg2 bcdg2 by using a malformed UUID CVE Retrieved 16 December Bcfg2 is written in Python and enables system administrator to manage the configuration of a large number of computers using a central configuration model. It is designed to gracefully cope with manual system modifications.

The Bcfg2 client performs all client configuration or reconfiguration operations. A remote command execution security problem was fixed. Bcfg2 is therefore built to help administrators construct an accurate, comprehensive specification. It is designed to gracefully cope with manual system modifications. Bcfg2 has been designed from the ground up to support gentle reconciliation between the specification and current client states.

Narayan Desai et al. Retrieved 26 February Bcff2 are combined to form the literal configuration specifications for clients. Using this feature, Bcfg2 provides an objective measure of how good a job an administrator has done in specifying the configuration of client systems.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bcfg2 operates using a simple model of system configuration, modeling intuitive items like packages, services and configuration files as well as the dependencies between them. After completion of the configuration process, the client uploads a set of statistics to the server.

Bcfg2 has been designed from the ground up to support gentle bcff2 between the specification and current client states.


The Bcfg2 configuration specification is written using a declarative XML model. The only significant change from 1. Bcfg2 is based on a client-server architecture. There is also an incomplete but more exact list of platforms on which Bcfg2 bcf2. Built to be cross-platformBcfg2 works on most Unix-like operating systems. That is, clients are defined in terms of aspects of their abstract behavior. One of the stated design goals for Bcfg2 is to determine if interactive direct changes have been made to a machine and report on these extra changes.

Bcfg2 can also enable the construction of complex change management and deployment strategies.

Debian -- Details of package bcfg2 in stretch

The Bcfg2 server is responsible for taking a network description and turning it into a series of configuration specifications for particular clients. Bcfg2 aids in the infrastructure management lifecycle — configuration bcfg22, service deployment, and configuration auditing. Using this feature, bcfg2 provides an objective measure of how good a job an administrator has done in specifying the configuration of client systems.

The first is a pool of metadata that describes clients as members of an aspect-based classing system. Finally, due to the rapid pace of updates on modern networks, client systems are constantly changing; if required in your environment, Bcfg2 can enable the construction of complex change management and deployment strategies. Vcfg2 Read Edit View history.

The other is a file system repository that contains mappings from metadata to literal configuration. Bcfg2 is therefore built to help administrators construct an accurate, comprehensive specification.

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