воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


It's a cultural thing. Trilha Sonora da Novela 'Cordel Encantado'. Please help to translate "Maracatu Atomico". In my experience, this is the kind of music you feel with your heart, rather than listen to with your ears. English 1 , 2, French , German , Spanish Requests: Maracatu Atomico 5 translations Translations: chico science maracatu atomico

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xhico Click to see the original lyrics. The Latin languages have subtle nuances especially nuances of passion that don't have any direct equivalents in English which is actually quite a dry and dispassionate language! In the cauliflower centre, there is the flower, there is the flower.

Maracatu Atômico

Maracatu Atomico 5 translations Translations: There is always going to be a problem when the Karacatu languages like Portuguese, Italian and French are translated into English. English 12, FrenchGermanSpanish Requests: On the bottom of the lightning-rod there is the lightning, there is the lightning.

chico science maracatu atomico

Become a translator Request new lyrics translation. Collections with "Maracatu Atomico". More translations of "Maracatu Atomico". Maracatu Atomico English translation.

chico science maracatu atomico

Please help to translate "Maracatu Atomico". I can't comment on the accuracy of the original translation, but my version below is a suggestion of how the translation marwcatu scan a bit better, and thus try to recapture the Brazilian nuances in English:. That's why literal translations often sound a bit strange and disconnected.

Add new translation Add new request. And here the electronic 4 and atomic maracatu goes with all its craving. It's a cultural thing. Good to know you, and thank you for putting this up. Added in reply to request by maluca.

maracatu atomico e a reinvencao de uma geracao

Chico Science Also performed by: The author of translation requested proofreading. If a person has to have these kinds of emotion explained to them, they probably wouldn't get it, anyway! I can't comment on the accuracy of the original translation, but my version below is a suggestion of how the translation might scan a bit better, and thus try to recapture the Brazilian nuances in English: Hi, thank you for your comment! Only an observation in your translation if you will: Maracatu is a Brazilian popular genre of music and dance, most common in the Northeast region.

In my experience, this is the kind of music you feel with your heart, rather than listen to with your ears. After two years I had some changes to cico, I appreciate your suggestions but I see that you've come to a complete and nice translation that I'd like to invite you to publish yours as well, which - as you said - tries to recover some "untranslatable" images of Portuguese in atomido English language, whereas mine is still a little more literal But I think you'll agree that lyrics like this can only be explained in words up to a certain point.

If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments. Login or register to post comments.

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